
for anyone who wants to know what steph's new place look's like i've provided a floor plan!

we drew this before arriving at her house when we stopped off at the legion for a welcome to red rock beer and game of shuffle board. steph drew the outline and furniture items, i added the dog and the upside down car.

the part with the person on it is a recliner and the part that looks like campfire logs is a wii and the part in the top left with the many lines is a foosball table - it's so fun there!

like canada's wonderland.

i wish someone had taken a photo of the four of us together and put it into one of those keychain picture viewers and sold it to me as i was leaving to come home.


steph said...

oh man we didnt get one of those did we. can you use your ms paint skills to make it look like we did?

Raymi Lauren said...

uncanny like im there all over again