
and this is me yesterday

this is me right now

and so here i am totally excited imagining me in this photo!! and so soon from now!! but with jeremy and not this guy!!
and i'm listening to jewel. that teal cd of hers is perfect for this occasion.
a word or two about my boots

dip dip and swing your paddle splashing with silver
the beauty and humour in being with someone who you love and loves you so completely back, is that even if you are being a turd in a canoe, they'll accept you in all your glorious turdness.
and offer you some pie, warmed in the oven, when you get back on land.
magic boat dock with magic round of light in top right corner.

cabin in the woods yea-ah-ah
it was 180 years old a place and the guy who ran it said they're not even sure who built it because it was there before the land in the area was settled. that is so neat.
it had floorboards you could see through, from the top floor to the bottom, and i liked to call to jeremy through the cracks and have him guess where exactly i was.
the place had a soul. an old soul wrapped up in quilts.
we had errands to run in the mornings, caterer meetings and florist meetings and we had to test out the corn maze at the wedding venue, but the afternoon and evenings were ours in this place that felt like home. and i could taste what life would be like for us, when we actually do get there.
tasted like camping pizzas.

i'll just be a bit longer on this dock

you remind me of the babe

sometimes we draw pictures of each other
if you go down in the woods today

papa's got a brand new bag (hair-do)

also they make you cappuccino's there for free.
i still mees you
our very fancy day
how posh!
i kept thinking of bridget jones when hugh grant takes her in his convertible and she gets out with the craziest hair.

new all time favourite photo

not a renovation, a quilt! we realized this weekend that we like something called 'flea market style' when jer was flipping through this book in anthropologie. (in other news all my decisions are now guided by this beautiful store which costs ten thousand times what you'd spend at a flea market unless it is a flea market where gold is sold.)
basically the style is that you decorate using stuff you find or get for free or for five bucks from a yard sale. this quilt was 50 dollars so it's not following those rules but it's still antique and cute and i want to curl up in the centre of it like a cat and have a nap.
not a renovation either but a wedding teaser!!!

the photo on the right with the bike i got in montreal from some photographer on a street corner. lily got one too only hers doesn't have the bike and we pretend the bike is gone from her picture because it is over visiting me. speaking of which lily if this bike is going to live here full time, you really should be sending some support.
the frog one someone's mom made but we got it for a buck at a yard sale, the mug one is a photo jeremy took on his balcony in japan and the little one on the bottom is of cave men hunting grocery carts.
major update
i wonder what sort of conversation the dresses are having right now. i hope they're all like 'oh you're so beautiful' 'no no you're so beautiful' 'no you're the most beautiful' and then my wedding dress will finally be like 'yes you're right thank you'.

icecream incentive for everyone
these pictures are from a thank-you party we threw for the advertising agency that's been promoting (for free) our company for over 10 years and it was SOME fun thank-you party! there was relay races and organic sausages and what more could you ever ask for on a tuesday?
you can tell i've been working with these people for awhile now they're totally tuning me out in this picture to have their set-up discussions. but look at my new hat guys!!!

i hope the departments don't get divorced that would be awkward for us and difficult to decide who goes with who on what weekends.

some would call me an activist.