wife saver breakfast casserole (not just for wives)

i made this actually before i was a wife and the dish called me an impostor and i called it soggy bread and we weren't talking for a month. my mom calls it 'chef saver' cause she's sweet and politically correct.

you make it the night before and bake it in the morning which is why it's such a hit for christmas and seeing as it's christmas tomorrow (it's christmas every day around here!!), i thought i'd whip it together so my husband and i could have a leisurely morning only lifting fingers to shovel casserole in our mouths and raise our coffee cups in weekend toasts.


i like how this version of the recipe suggests you serve it with cinnamon rolls. (not at all necessary). (but i like a little gluttony on a saturday morning).


steph said...

oh how i wish we still lived in the same building.
we'd be invited right?

Anonymous said...

oh... .its soooo good.