
sarah ennis is stephanie perkins' best friend and a hair genius and a fellow fiance and one of those people who chucks off warmth and friendliness like those people who chuck candy into the crowd at parades.

yesterday she gave me some really great personalized advice on adding some red to my coif and she told me about hilites and lowlites and nitelites and litebrites and to look up a girl named coco rocho who just had her hair dyed copper. and so i did because i like to follow instructions that include image searches but i got distracted when i found this picture.

i would like some copper hilites for my hair and some teal frosted tips for my tail, please.


Sarah said...

jen, i thank you for your kind words. i'm glad you found someone other than daryl hanna to share your affinity for mermaid culture.

yep. said...


you speak the truth! that woman can make you look like anyone you want!

yep. said...

i see sarah's stopped being so anonymous now...

jennifer sorrell said...


maybe she was waiting for just the right moment to reveal herself.