guess what else?!?!?

hot alcoholic beverages knock you on your hot alcoholic bottom!

jeremy and stephanie and jennifer (me) decided to try to find some good hot drinks this winter as a fun seasonal activity.

i put the ingredients for hot toddies in jeremy's christmas stocking so we could get cracking on this plan and HELLO, they are full of booze. i think we got drunk from the steam.

i know two shots doesn't seem like much and i don't know if it has something to do with the hot tea or what but woah mammy. they're somethin' else.

i think stephanie said this a while ago on her blog when she tried to make something like a hot toddy but i have forgotten.

and anyways stephanie has a special houseguest staying over presently and so won't be online for a while to state the truth. STEPHANIE PERKINS I CAN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT YOU AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT FOR PROBABLY SEVERAL DAYS! MU HU HA HA!

in summary, the hot toddy was a positive hot drink experience. just put in half the recommended booze if you want to remember it.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Raymi Lauren said...

well hot sake gets me blasted so it MUST be the heat MUST be i mean scientifically speaking i have no info to back that up with but whatever

steph said...