i can't wait! (icantwaiticantwaiticantwait).

today upon returning home from work i was greeted with an envelope full of mail from our new apartment!

all of which had been personalized by method of TYPEWRITER. no guff.

included in the cheery envelope that had arrived from a time of simple pleasantries was a welcome letter from the apartment, a copy of information for new tenants from the landlord and tenant board which (as mentioned in the letter) is something a good and responsible landlord should provide to all newcomers, and a pamphlet for tenant insurance.


knock my socks off with your professionalism and 50's approach to doing business! i like it. also i love how many times the welcome letter says 'welcome to your new home'. it's in like 3 different paragraphs.

this is going to be the nicest apartment in the world! picnics on our lawn all summer!

and you don't need to worry about bringing the lemonade, our new place grows that on trees.


steph said...

i'm sooooooo happy for you guys
mostly jeremy
but botha yas

Alison said...

Where's the new place?

jennifer sorrell said...


Anonymous said...


Alison said...

That was me.