i love lucy

i love lucy! like the show! get it?!

i did not realize the funniness of that until just now.

but seriously, i do.

tonight the two of us went to some place that served us all this tasty stuff on a wooden board. like olives and cheeses and pickled eggplant and grilled red pepper and we talked about life and hair and scary bachelor party novelty cups and the economy and sometimes when i look at her i want to put her in my purse and never let her out but just leave the flap open a tad so she doesn't suffocate. and maybe stick a straw in there and feed her grape juice.

best friends make a drizzly tuesday feel more like a friday with clear blue skies and those big poofy white clouds that angels with harps love to loiter on.


Anonymous said...

hey jenn, food's good

tell jer thanks about that louis riel book, it's good and i'll have it back one of these weekends comin up

jennifer sorrell said...


ok we'll get that book back when we come up to yours and stephs place for your housewarming party.


Anonymous said...

that's an even better idea

there's fish to be caught here too, summer or winter