you love them more.
jeremy has a really good idea that has to do with peoples' childhood stuffed animals that is TOP SECRET cause it might be our ticket out of the mundane and into a life of bejewelled toilet seats and first class weekend tickets to london for tea.
it's neat to see what remnants of their childhood people decide to keep. lots or nothing. i have a few and i'd have more if i didn't love so much the simpleness of getting rid of all things that i could live without.
what i can't live without is my bear with no name, a sleepy turtle, a friendly blanket, a travelling mole with glasses and a shark puppet for when i'm sick.
i loved that velveteen rabbit book. that conversation the horse and the bunny had about being real was so touching and poignant. it's like all the important messages are in the things of our youth and we forget them and think more important messages must exist in the adult world of things. but i think only more confusing messages live here.
it's like those posters that say 'everything in life i learned in kindergarten' i want to make one that says 'everything worth knowing i've told bear with no name'
he's a good listener. even though he doesn't have ear holes.