
dear buffy the vampire slayer,

i totally love you.

i watched your whole show for the first time last year and this year i'm watching your whole show again and i love you even more than i did when i first watched you.

you're brave and pretty and i don't know how you ever picked yourself up off the ground after your boyfriend turned evil then turned good again just before you had to kill him to stop the world from being sucked into a hell dimension, but you did it, you picked yourself up from that and you went on to fight more evil and have more boyfriends.

you can do anything, buffy the vampire slayer. you're my hero. i wish we were friends so you could teach me how to kick demons in the head.

for now though, i'll just run away when i see one as i'm not yet properly trained.

your fan,

jennifer robeson


Raymi Lauren said...

can you write a fan letter to ready or not next?

jennifer sorrell said...

oh okay but it would go like this i’m afraid:

dear ready or not,

i never watched you but i think some people did because you were on tv for some (??) period of time.

i remember vaguely amanda (??) wanted some boobs or something and busy wasn’t interested in boobs or other girl stuff she just wanted to play street hockey and make fun of amanda’s lipstick.

i also think maybe you were canadian so that’s good. or not i’m not sure.

i hope you have a happy holiday even though you aren’t on air and so might be somewhere depressed, drinking too many rum and egg nogs.

which might make an interesting comeback! next week on intervention, ready or not.


jenn robeson