it's very difficult to take a photo of your own bun

but i managed!

i love to wear my bun around the house it makes me feel like i'm a ballet dancer from the 70's.

or it makes me feel like my mom she wore a bun for three decades. with a stick to hold it in place and barrettes on each side.

look how pretty our apartment is! it's so full of light all the time we really love it. and it's SO quiet. besides the trains which are actually quite charming you hear nothing but wind and sometimes a neighbours door opening and closing.

lily, the pretty flower you gave me saturday is on the window sill! i hope to give it a very nice life.


steph said...

your hair is so long it an stay in a bun! congratulations

also our only noise is trains too. and sometimes bears.

jennifer sorrell said...

I KNOW! i knew you would get how amazing that is. like it's a feat that someone with three strands of hair can grow it so long.