sorry jeremy, i've met someone new.

his name is steve perry and wherever he goes the sun shines romantically off his long hair and muscle top and he used to be in the band journey and 'open arms' makes me weep uncontrollably. is he wearing a musical note on his gold chain? that's tender AND manly.

i guess i have to admit that i love the 80s eh? the evidence is really mounting up.

sometimes when jeremy isn't home and he comes home and reads what i've been up to on my blog and there's stuff about listening to journey on here he must be like 'thank god i was fishing'.

love you sweetie! i'm just kidding about loving steve perry. but boy do i have a good halloween costume for you.


steph said...

do you wish he was native and not portuguese? don't lie.

jennifer sorrell said...


and maybe i thought he was native until your bursted me buble.

steph said...

oh sorry dude i just assumed you wikipedia'd that shit