new job new apartment new outlook on life (but i'm keeping jeremy)

so the good news is i got a new job!

and it's more than good news it means a good new start and a good new chance and a good new place to put forth real effort into my work.

the position is with a non-profit organization which connects urban people to nature through various wonderful programs. NATURE! nature that i love and that i roll around in and that i put my tent up under.

i can tell you all the ways this new job has opened up possibilities and answered questions and made so much sense of so many things that haven't, but really i want to wait.

to wait and see what it's like there when i begin. to hear how i can contribute. to learn how i can CARE about what it is i do.

and i can't wait to share those things with you.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO! We're all proud of you!