i wonder if we'll just get nerdier and nerdier until we both explode from an excess of internal nerdiness

so we watched all three lord of the rings films over the past 2 weeks which for someone with the attention span of me is like a movie miracle and i must say that even though i understand about 2 percent of what's going on at any given time the detail and the language and the totally alive parallel world of people and creatures is just so rich i think tolkien must have been some sort of detail language parallel world genius.

the other night jeremy was showing me these drawings which can be found in the dutch version of the novel and are done by a guy named cor block. they're neat huh?! i think we're going to hang some of them on our wall. you know, let our nerd flag really fly.

we're queer we're here get over it!

haha that's not the same thing i know. they should have a nerd pride parade and jeremy and i can be queen and king nerd and we'll ride around on a float with our royal nerd capes and crowns reciting lines from the labyrinth and throwing fairy dust into the crowd.

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